If dramatic, awe inspiring scenery is your thing then you owe to yourself to make at least one trip to Norway - it's like the Alps and Pyrenees on steroids. Well maintained roads and a distinct lack of traffic make for some of the best riding to be had in Europe, in fact anywhere.
Here's just a handful of photos captured on a 5024km trip from the countries southerly peninsular, up the coast and back down to Oslo. Dozens more images from each place of interest along the route are catalogued, along with a detailed description of the journey, are available on the Motorcycle Diaries website. Along with the all important GPX file for you to download to your sat nav device.
What are you waiting for!
A Lap of Norway - Click Here
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We're partnering with Motorcycle-Diaries to share with you the best biking routes on the planet. Sure, a paper map is nostalgic but trying to decipher the roads less travelled from a bunch of coloured lines in 2D doesn't compare to the stunning imagery and descriptions now available. And if a bit of inspiration is needed to nudge you out from behind your desk, check out the M-D Blog.
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