Pow! He's gone and done it again. Jens Vom Brauck, founder of JVB Moto, has been transforming the gawky looking Yamaha XSR and MT range since their launches a few years ago, to quite some fanfare too. But perhaps the best part about Jens' custom work is that its all designed with the regular Joe in mind. The bolt on kits are exactly that. No chopping, welding, rewiring or messing around - just plug and literally play. Check out my attempt at a JVB Super 7 from a couple of years - click here
But this is perhaps my favourite yet, Jens' latest XSR900 CP3 - the engine code given by Yamaha for their Cross Plane 3 cylinder. The protruding sidepods and narrow tail are perfectly formed, and a welcome distraction from the XSR's frame. Which functions epically but is hard to work around aesthetically for customisers. But it's the carbon fibre wheel covers, Pirelli slicks and Beringer solid front brake discs that really do it for me.
Anyway, enough of my smoke blowing waffle, read the actual feature over on the Bike Exif website
The kit will be available to order online via Kedo and soon. Check here for prices, details and contacts.
More JVB Moto builds on Bike Shed Archive and follow Jens’ next project on Facebook | Instagram
And now there's a vid....
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