Bike Shed Moto Track Day
By Anthony van Someren - 06 Jun 20

Please do read the MSV track-day guidelines HERE before you ask us anything about e.g. your bike, db levels, Go-pro use, luggage & lighting, or your gear.
Go HERE right now to join us on Tuesday 15th September

This day is for novices and experienced riders but whether you've done tracks days before or not, we will not allow modern sportsbikes or super-nakeds to take part. Riders on these bikes can (and should) do a standard trackday another time. Modern-classic carbed super-sports are very welcome, along with cafe racers, roadsters, bobbers, trackers, adventure bikes, scramblers, brats, you can even bring your low rider or chopper, and small cc bikes are no problem (we think). We will allow some fairly fast bikes like the Ducati Monster, Triumph Street and Speed Triples, but if you're a track-day god looking to show-off all day, please give this one a miss. And just to confirm, there is no racing at this event. This is a track day.
Bike Shed Festival (by Amy Shore)

If you've never been to a track day before, you'll be surprised to discover it's one of the safest ways to enjoy riding a motorcycle. As the cliche goes, the throttle goes both ways, and there is no need to ride too fast or risk crashing. No one is judging you and you are not racing anyone. Our day in particular is meant to be a no-pressure day of fun. But - even if you ride around slowly all day, you will get faster and more confident, and will leave the track better connected to your motorcycle and how it works. Once every minute you'll be taking the same corner, more smoothly, more confidently and with better technique, and this will mean safer fast riding.WILL I CRASH MY BIKE?
There are less reasons to crash on a track than there are on the road. Incidents do happen on some track days, as fast riders will push to their limits (although, usually not the bike's limits) but with loads of run-off and everyone riding in the same direction, plus there are no cars, street furniture or buildings to hit, it's usually more embarrassing than anything else and your wallet is more likely to suffer than your body. If you don't want to risk falling off, then ride within your limits, just like you do on the B1056 to Finchingfield or the A272 across SussexFORMAT
We're still working out the finer details, and will update this page when we have more, but we currently plan to simply group riders by speed and experience into Four groups - Two will be novice groups, one intermediate and one experienced. Revisit this page for links to details on what gear you will need to have/wear, noise limits and the schedule.WHAT NEXT?
As we want to buy-out the whole day with MSV at Brands, we have to commit to paying the full price nine weeks in advance of the event, so we need all of you to commit, along with us, and pay well in advance.The price is now confirmed at £150 per person.
Right now please, as we are ready to go and only have 130 places. We have checked the MSV Cancellation Policy, and if THEY cancel due to either very very bad weather, or a Covid-19 spike that brings in a new ban, they will hold our money for another day.WHERE DO I SIGN UP?
Bike Shed Festival (by Amy Shore)